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St Mary's PS Dechomet, Castlewellan

Student Council

Our Student Council has been very busy looking at and discussing new ideas for the school. Our Council is made up of seven pupils from a range of classes. We have our meetings every two weeks and these are kept formal with minutes written up for each meeting. Mr Doyle also attends our meetings and we hope to meet with members of the Board of Governors later in the year. Our members discuss ideas with their own classes and the they are discussed at meetings. We also have a 'Suggestion Box' which is very popular. One of our big ideas was to have a Bingo Night to raise some money for new playground games which all the boys and girls play with at  Break and Lunch times. We contacted the School's Parent Support Group for some help and they have been brilliant. We are now looking forward to a Great Night on Friday 10th February in Leitrim Hall. Everyone is really welcome. Once we have our funds Mr Doyle is going to allow us to use the school catalogues to order fantastic new games, We can't WAIT!


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